Birds of Prey

The current state of the most important species of birds of prey in the National Park

Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

Endangered! It is the biggest bird of prey in Europe measuring 1 meter in length, with 2.80 meters wingspan and weight that ranges from 7 to 9 kilos. The Black Vulture feeds mainly on carrion and prefers the tougher parts of the dead animal. Their nests are located at isolated slopes, on the top of trees. In the National Park, over the last years, 27-35 pairs of Black Vultures breed, with a breeding success rate of about 50%, which means that ca. 14 young Black Vultures manage to fly away from their nest every year. The population size in the area is ca. 100-120 individuals.

Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)

The Griffon Vulture is a large predator, measuring 0.90-1 meter with 2.70 meters wingspan and weight that ranges from 7 to 10 kilos. The Griffon Vulture feeds exclusively on carrion and especially on the offal and the soft parts of the dead animals. It nests on steep rocks forming colonies. From 1995 until 2007 the species had ceased breeding within the National Park, but it has returned in 2007. About 100 Griffon Vulture individuals visit the area, searching for food and roosting on the rocks.

Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)

Critically endangered! The Egyptian Vulture is a bird of prey. It feeds on carrion, garbage, reptiles, tortoises, as well as small birds and roadkills. The Egyptian Vulture is a migrant species, visiting Greece only during spring and summer. Its nests are located on isolated and steep rocks. In 1987 there were 25 pairs of Egyptian Vulture in the National Park, but since then its population has dramatically declined, with only 5 pairs remaining in 2013.

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

Endangered! This species, resident in the area, is characterized by the golden color on the back of the crown and nape. It feeds on small mammals, birds and tortoises by using its ability, speed and sharp talons to snatch them and through them from great heights to break their shells. During the winter it also feeds on carrion. In the National Park there are 3-4 territories of the species.

White- tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

Critically endangered! This species, resident in the area, feeds on waterfowl, small mammals and carrion. It nests in forests, on big trees or steep rocks. White-tailed Eagles can be recognized by their large thick beaks. In 1990, the White-tailed Eagle ceased breeding in the National Park, only to return in 2012. During winter, some White-tailed eagles from other areas are observed in feeding station of the National Park.

Black Kite (Milvus migrans)

The Black Kite is a migratory species. While its worldwide population is large, in Greece it has significantly declined is characterized as critically endangered. The Black Kite doesn’t regularly breed in the National Park, as it prefers areas close to the water. Despite that, Black Kites are often observed at the feeding station.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila helliaca)

Critically endangered! It feeds on small mammals, birds and during winter also on carrion. It nests on big trees. It ceased breeding in the National Park in 1990, whereas in 2000 one pair was observed with breeding activity, but breeding was no confirmed as no nest was found. Young Eastern Imperial Eagles from other regions are often observed in the feeding station, especially during winter.

Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina)

Endangered, migratory species that visits the area for breeding. It looks similar to the Greater Spotted Eagle, a winter visitor in the area, which is also critically endangered. It feeds on small mammals, rodents and sometimes on carrion. The breeding population in the National Park remains stable during the last 30 years, with ca. 20 pairs.