Bird Species
S/N | Latin Name | Greek Name | English Name | The Red Book (2008) | The Red List of IUCN (2008) |
Directive 2009/147/EU |
1 | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Νανοβουτηχτάρι | Little Grebe | |||
2 | Ixobrychus minutus | Μικροτσικνιάς | Little Bittern | I | ||
3 | Nycticorax nycticorax | Νυχτοκόρακας | Black-crowned Night-heron | Near Threatened | I | |
4 | Egretta garzetta | Λευκοτσικνιάς | Little Egret | I | ||
5 | Casmerodius albus | Αργυροτσικνιάς | Great Egret | Vulnerable | I | |
6 | Ardea cinerea | Σταχτοτσικνιάς | Grey Heron | |||
7 | Ciconia nigra | Μαύροπελαργός | Black Stork | Endangered | I | |
8 | Ciconia ciconia | Λευκός πελαργός | White Stork | Vulnerable | I | |
9 | Anas penelope | Σφυριχτάρι | Eurasian Wigeon | II/1; III/2 | ||
10 | Anas crecca | Κιρκίρι | Teal | II/1; III/2 | ||
11 | Anas platyrhynchos | Πρασινοκέφαλη πάπια | Mallard | II/1; III/1 | ||
12 | Anas acuta | Ψαλίδα | Northern PΠΜail | II/1; III/2 | ||
13 | Anas querquedula | Σαρσέλα | Garganey | Vulnerable | II/1 | |
14 | Anas clypeata | Χουλιαρόπαπια | Northern Shoveler | II/1; III/2 | ||
15 | Pernis apivorus | Σφηκιάρης | European Honey-buzzard | I | ||
16 | Milvus migrans | Τσίφτης | Black Kite | Critically endangered | I | |
17 | Milvus milvus | Ψαλιδιάρης | Red Kite | Insufficiently known | Near Threatened | I |
18 | Haliaeetus albicilla | Θαλασσαετός | White-tailed Eagle | Critically endangered | I | |
19 | Gypaetus barbatus | Γυπαετός | Lammergeier | Critically endangered | I | |
20 | Neophron percnopterus | Ασπροπάρης | Egyptian Vulture | Critically endangered | Endangered | I |
21 | Gyps fulvus | Όρνιο | Griffon Vulture | Vulnerable/Critically endangered | I | |
22 | Aegypius monachus | Μαυρόγυπας | Cinereous Vulture | Endangered | Near Threatened | I |
23 | Circaetus gallicus | Φιδαετός | Short-toed Snake-eagle | Near Threatened | I | |
24 | Circus aeruginosus | Καλαμόκιρκος | Western Marsh-harrier | Vulnerable | I | |
25 | Circus cyaneus | Χειμωνόκιρκος | Northern Harrier | I | ||
26 | Circus macrourus | Στεπόκιρκος | Pallid Harrier | Insufficiently known | Near Threatened | I |
27 | Circus pygargus | Λιβαδόκιρκος | Montagu’s Harrier | Critically endangered | I | |
28 | Accipiter gentilis | Διπλοσάϊνο | Northern Goshawk | |||
29 | Accipiter nisus | Ξεφτέρι | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | |||
30 | Accipiter brevipes | Σαΐνι | Levant Sparrowhawk | I | ||
31 | Buteo buteo | Γερακίνα | Common Buzzard | |||
32 | Buteo rufinus | Αετογερακίνα | Long-legged Buzzard | Vulnerable | I | |
33 | Buteo lagopus | Χιονογερακίνα | Rough-legged Hawk | |||
34 | Aquila pomarina | Κραυγαετός | Lesser Spotted Eagle | Endangered | I | |
35 | Aquila clanga | Στικταετός | Greater Spotted Eagle | Endangered | Vulnerable | I |
36 | Aquila nipalensis | Στεπαετός | Steppe Eagle | |||
37 | Aquila heliaca | Βασιλαετός | Eastern Imperial Eagle | Critically endangered | Vulnerable | I |
38 | Aquila chrysaetos | Χρυσαετός | Golden Eagle | Endangered | I | |
39 | Aquila pennata | Γερακαετός | Booted Eagle | Endangered | I | |
40 | Aquila fasciata | Σπιζαετός | Bonelli’s Eagle | Endangered | I | |
41 | Pandion haliaetus | Ψαραετός | Osprey | I | ||
42 | Falco naumanni | Κιρκινέζι | Lesser Kestrel | Endangered | Vulnerable | I |
43 | Falco tinnunculus | Βραχοκιρκίνεζο | Common Kestrel | |||
44 | Falco vespertinus | Μαυροκιρκίνεζο | Red-footed Falcon | Insufficiently known | Near Threatened | I |
45 | Falco columbarius | Νανογέρακο | Merlin | I | ||
46 | Falco subbuteo | Δεντρογέρακο | Eurasian Hobby | |||
47 | Falco eleonorae | Μαυροπετρίτης | Eleonora’s Falcon | I | ||
48 | Falco biarmicus | Χρυσογέρακο | Lanner Falcon | Endangered | I | |
49 | Falco cherrug | Στεπογέρακο | Saker Falcon | Critically endangered | Endangered | I |
50 | Falco peregrinus | Πετρίτης | Peregrine Falcon | I | ||
51 | Alectoris chukar | Νησιώτικη πέρδικα | Chukar | II/2 | ||
52 | Perdix perdix | Πεδινή πέρδικα | Grey Partridge | Endangered | II/1; III/1 | |
53 | Coturnix coturnix | Ορτύκι | Common Quail | II/2 | ||
54 | Rallus aquaticus | Νεροκοτσέλα | Water Rail | II/2 | ||
55 | Gallinula chloropus | Νερόκοτα | Common Moorhen | II/2 | ||
56 | Charadrius dubius | Ποταμοσφυριχτής | Little Ringed Plover | |||
57 | Gallinago gallinago | Μπεκατσίνι | Common Snipe | II/1; III/2 | ||
58 | Scolopax rusticola | Μπεκάτσα | Eurasian Woodcock | II/1; III/2 | ||
59 | Tringa ochropus | Δασότρυγγας | Green Sandpiper | |||
60 | Tringa glareola | Λασπότρυγγας | Wood Sandpiper | I | ||
61 | Actitis hypoleucos | Ακτίτης | Common Sandpiper | |||
62 | Larus cachinnans | Ασημόγλαρος της Κασπίας | Mew Gull | II/2 | ||
63 | Columba livia | Αγριοπερίστερο | Rock Pigeon | II/1 | ||
64 | Columba oenas | Φασσοπερίστερο | Stock Dove | Near Threatened | II/2 | |
65 | Columba palumbus | Φάσσα | Common Wood-pigeon | II/I; III/I | ||
66 | Streptopelia decaocto | Δεκαοχτούρα | Eurasian Collared-dove | II/2 | ||
67 | Streptopelia turtur | Τρυγόνι | European Turtle-dove | II/2 | ||
68 | Cuculus canorus | Κούκος | Common Cuckoo | |||
69 | Tyto alba | Τυτώ | Barn Owl | |||
70 | Otus scops | Γκιώνης | Common Scops-owl | |||
71 | Bubo bubo | Μπούφος | Eurasian Eagle-owl | I | ||
72 | Athene noctua | Κουκουβάγια | Little Owl | |||
73 | Strix aluco | Χουχουριστής | Tawny Owl | |||
74 | Asio otus | Νανόμπουφος | Long-eared Owl | |||
75 | Asio flammeus | Βαλτόμπουφος | Short-eared Owl | Insufficiently known | I | |
76 | Caprimulgus europaeus | Γιδοβύζι | Eurasian Nightjar | I | ||
77 | Apus apus | Σταχτάρα | Common Swift | |||
78 | Apus pallidus | Ωχροσταχτάρα | Pallid Swift | |||
79 | Tachymarptis melba | Βουνοσταχτάρα | Alpine Swift | |||
80 | Alcedo atthis | Αλκυόνη | Common Kingfisher | Insufficiently known | I | |
81 | Merops apiaster | Μελισσοφάγος | European Bee-eater | |||
82 | Coracias garrulus | Χαλκοκουρούνα | European Roller | Vulnerable | Near Threatened | I |
83 | Upupa epops | Τσαλαπετεινός | Eurasian Hoopoe | |||
84 | Jynx torquilla | Στραβολαίμης | Eurasian Wryneck | |||
85 | Picus canus | Σταχτής Δρυοκολάπτης | Grey-faced Woodpecker | Near Threatened | I | |
86 | Picus viridis | Πράσινος Δρυοκολάπτης | Eurasian Green Woodpecker | |||
87 | Dryocopus martius | Μαύρος Δρυοκολάπτης | Black Woodpecker | I | ||
88 | Dendrocopos major | Πευκοδρυοκολάπτης | Great Spotted Woodpecker | |||
89 | Dendrocopos syriacus | Βαλκανικός Δρυοκολάπτης | Syrian Woodpecker | I | ||
90 | Dendrocopos medius | Μεσαίος Δρυοκολάπτης | Middle Spotted Woodpecker | I | ||
91 | Dendrocopos leucotos | Λευκονώτης | White-backed Woodpecker | Near Threatened | I | |
92 | Dendrocopos minor | Νανοδρυοκολάπτης | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | |||
93 | Melanocorypha calandra | Γαλιάντρα | Calandra Lark | Vulnerable | I | |
94 | Calandrella brachydactyla | Μικρογαλιάντρα | Greater Short-toed Lark | I | ||
95 | Galerida cristata | Κατσουλιέρης | Crested Lark | |||
96 | Lullula arborea | Δεντροσταρήθρα | Wood Lark | I | ||
97 | Alauda arvensis | Σταρήθρα | Eurasian Skylark | Near Threatened | II/2 | |
98 | Riparia riparia | Οχθοχελίδονο | Sand Martin | |||
99 | Hirundo rupestris | Βραχοχελίδονο | Eurasian Crag-martin | |||
100 | Hirundo rustica | Σταυλοχελίδονο | Barn Swallow | |||
101 | Hirundo daurica | Μιλτοχελίδονο | Red-rumped Swallow | |||
102 | Delichon urbicum | Λευκοχελίδονο | Northern House-martin | |||
103 | Anthus campestris | Ωχροκελάδα | Tawny Pipit | I | ||
104 | Anthus trivialis | Δεντροκελάδα | Tree Pipit | |||
105 | Anthus pratensis | Λιβαδοκελάδα | Meadow Pipit | |||
106 | Anthus cervinus | Κοκκινοκελάδα | Red-throated Pipit | |||
107 | Anthus spinoletta | Νεροκελάδα | Water Pipit | |||
108 | Motacilla flava | Κιτρινοσουσουράδα | Yellow Wagtail | |||
109 | Motacilla citreola | Κιτροσουσουράδα | Citrine Wagtail | |||
110 | Motacilla cinerea | Σταχτοσουσουράδα | Grey Wagtail | |||
111 | Motacilla alba | Λευκοσουσουράδα | White Wagtail | |||
112 | Cinclus cinclus | Νεροκότσυφας | White-throated Dipper | |||
113 | Troglodytes troglodytes | Τρυποφράχτης | WΠΜer Wren | |||
114 | Prunella modularis | Θαμνοψάλτης | Hedge Accentor | |||
115 | Erithacus rubecula | Κοκκινολαίμης | European Robin | |||
116 | Luscinia luscinia | Τσιχλαηδόνι | Thrush Nightingale | |||
117 | Luscinia megarhynchos | Αηδόνι | Common Nightingale | |||
118 | Phoenicurus ochruros | Καρβουνιάρης | Black Redstart | |||
119 | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Φοινίκουρος | Common Redstart | |||
120 | Saxicola rubetra | Καστανολαίμης | Whinchat | |||
121 | Saxicola torquatus | Μαυρολαίμης | Common Stonechat | |||
122 | Oenanthe isabellina | Αμμοπετρόκλης | Isabelline Wheatear | Near Threatened | ||
123 | Oenanthe oenanthe | Σταχτοπετρόκλης | Northern Wheatear | |||
124 | Oenanthe pleschanka | Παρδαλοπετρόκλης | Pied Wheatear | I | ||
125 | Oenanthe hispanica | Ασπροκωλίνα | Black-eared Wheatear | |||
126 | Monticola saxatilis | Πυροκότσυφας | Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush | |||
127 | Monticola solitarius | Γαλαζοκότσυφας | Blue Rock-thrush | |||
128 | Turdus torquatus | Χιονοκότσυφας | Ring Ouzel | |||
129 | Turdus merula | Κότσυφας | Eurasian Blackbird | II/2 | ||
130 | Turdus pilaris | Κεδρότσιχλα | Fieldfare | II/2 | ||
131 | Turdus philomelos | Τσίχλα | Song Thrush | II/2 | ||
132 | Turdus iliacus | Κοκκινότσιχλα | Redwing | II/2 | ||
133 | Turdus viscivorus | Γερακότσιχλα | Mistle Thrush | II/2 | ||
134 | Cettia cetti | Ψευταηδόνι | Cetti’s Warbler | |||
135 | Acrocephalus palustris | Βαλτοποταμίδα | Marsh Warbler | |||
136 | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Τσιχλοποταμίδα | Great Reed-warbler | |||
137 | Hippolais pallida | Ωχροστριτσίδα | Eastern Olivaceous Warbler | |||
138 | Hippolais olivetorum | Λιοστριτσίδα | Olive-tree Warbler | Near Threatened | I | |
139 | Hippolais icterina | Κιτρινοστριτσίδα | Icterine Warbler | |||
140 | Sylvia cantillans | Κοκκινοτσιροβάκος | Subalpine Warbler | |||
141 | Sylvia melanocephala | Μαυροτσιροβάκος | Sardinian Warbler | |||
142 | Sylvia hortensis | Μελωδοτσιροβάκος | Orphean Warbler | |||
143 | Sylvia nisoria | Γερακοτσιροβάκος | Barred Warbler | Near Threatened | I | |
144 | Sylvia curruca | Βουνοτσιροβάκος | Lesser Whitethroat | |||
145 | Sylvia communis | Θαμνοτσιροβάκος | Common Whitethroat | |||
146 | Sylvia borin | Κηποτσιροβάκος | Garden Warbler | |||
147 | Sylvia atricapilla | Μαυροσκούφης | Blackcap | |||
148 | Phylloscopus orientalis | Βουνοφυλλοσκόπος | Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler | |||
149 | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Δασοφυλλοσκόπος | Wood Warbler | |||
150 | Phylloscopus collybita | Δεντροφυλλοσκόπος | Common Chiffchaff | |||
151 | Phylloscopus trochilus | Θαμνοφυλλοσκόπος | Willow Warbler | |||
152 | Regulus regulus | Χρυσοβασιλίσκος | Goldcrest | |||
153 | Regulus ignicapilla | Πυροβασιλίσκος | Firecrest | |||
154 | Muscicapa striata | Σταχτομυγοχάφτης | Spotted Flycatcher | |||
155 | Ficedula parva | Νανομυγοχάφτης | Red-breasted Flycatcher | Insufficiently known | I | |
156 | Ficedula semitorquata | Δρυομυγοχάφτης | Semi-collared Flycatcher | Insufficiently known | Near Threatened | I |
157 | Ficedula albicollis | Κρικομυγοχάφτης | Collared Flycatcher | I | ||
158 | Ficedula hypoleuca | Μαυρομυγοχάφτης | European Pied Flycatcher | |||
159 | Aegithalos caudatus | Αιγίθαλος | Long-tailed Tit | |||
160 | Parus palustris | Καστανοπαπαδίτσα | Marsh Tit | |||
161 | Parus lugubris | Κλειδωνάς | Sombre Tit | |||
162 | Parus ater | Ελατοπαπαδίτσα | Coal Tit | |||
163 | Cyanistes caeruleus | Γαλαζοπαπαδίτσα | Blue Tit | |||
164 | Parus major | Καλόγερος | Great Tit | |||
165 | Sitta europaea | Δεντροτσοπανάκος | Wood Nuthatch | |||
166 | Sitta neumayer | Βραχοτσοπανάκος | Western Rock-nuthatch | |||
167 | Certhia familiaris | Βουνοδεντροβάτης | Eurasian Treecreeper | |||
168 | Certhia brachydactyla | Καμποδεντροβάτης | Short-toed Treecreeper | |||
169 | Oriolus oriolus | Συκοφάγος | Eurasian Golden Oriole | |||
170 | Lanius collurio | Αετομάχος | Red-backed Shrike | I | ||
171 | Lanius minor | Σταχτοκεφαλάς | Lesser Grey Shrike | Near Threatened | I | |
172 | Lanius excubitor | Διπλοκεφαλάς | Great Grey Shrike | Insufficiently known | ||
173 | Lanius senator | Κοκκινοκεφαλάς | Woodchat Shrike | |||
174 | Lanius nubicus | Παρδαλοκεφαλάς | Masked Shrike | Near Threatened | I | |
175 | Garrulus glandarius | Κίσσα | Eurasian Jay | II/2 | ||
176 | Pica pica | Καρακάξα | Black-billed Magpie | II/2 | ||
177 | Corvus monedula | Κάργια | Eurasian Jackdaw | II/2 | ||
178 | Corvus frugilegus | Χαβαρόνι | Rook | II/2 | ||
179 | Corvus corone | Σταχτοκουρούνα | Carrion Crow | II/2 | ||
180 | Corvus corax | Κόρακας | Common Raven | |||
181 | Sturnus vulgaris | Ψαρόνι | Common Starling | II/2 | ||
182 | Sturnus roseus | Αγιοπούλι | Rosy Starling | |||
183 | Passer domesticus | Σπιτοσπουργίτης | House Sparrow | |||
184 | Passer hispaniolensis | Χωραφοσπουργίτης | Spanish Sparrow | |||
185 | Passer montanus | Δεντροσπουργίτης | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | |||
186 | Fringilla coelebs | Σπίνος | Eurasian Chaffinch | |||
187 | Fringilla montifringilla | Χειμωνόσπινος | Brambling | |||
188 | Serinus serinus | Σκαρθάκι | European Serin | |||
189 | Carduelis chloris | Φλώρος | European Greenfinch | |||
190 | Carduelis carduelis | Καρδερίνα | European Goldfinch | |||
191 | Carduelis spinus | Λούγαρο | Eurasian Siskin | |||
192 | Carduelis cannabina | Φανέτο | Eurasian Linnet | |||
193 | Loxia curvirostra | Σταυρομύτης | Red Crossbill | |||
194 | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | Πύρρουλας | Eurasian Bullfinch | |||
195 | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Κοκκοθραύστης | Hawfinch | |||
196 | Emberiza citrinella | Χρυσοτσίχλονο | Yellowhammer | |||
197 | Emberiza cirlus | Σιρλοτσίχλονο | Cirl Bunting | |||
198 | Emberiza cia | Βουνοτσίχλονο | Rock Bunting | |||
199 | Emberiza hortulana | Βλαχοτσίχλονο | Ortolan Bunting | I | ||
200 | Emberiza caesia | Φρυγανοτσίχλονο | Cretzschmar’s Bunting | I | ||
201 | Emberiza schoeniclus | Καλαμοτσίχλονο | Reed Bunting | |||
202 | Emberiza melanocephala | Αμπελουργός | Black-headed Bunting | |||
203 | Miliaria calandra | Τσιφτάς | Corn Bunting |